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June 2023 Futures expiry dates

A number of commodities and indices CFD positions’ are due to expire on June 2023.

Please note that all positions left open will be closed at the official settlement price upon the company expiry dates mentioned below. The symbols due to be closed this month are:

Nikkei 225 stock CFDNKDM2307/06/2023
USD IndexUSD M2315/06/2023
Dow CFDYMM2315/06/2023
S&P CFDSPM2315/06/2023
NASDAQ CFDNQM2315/06/2023
DAX30 CFDDXM2315/06/2023
FTSE100 CFDFTSEM2315/06/2023
CAC 40 CFDCACM2315/06/2023
Light sweet crude CFDCLN2320/06/2023
Coffee CFDKCN2321/06/2023
Cocoa CFDCCN2323/06/2023
Cotton CFDCTN2323/06/2023
Natural Gas CFDNGN2327/06/2023
Brent Oil CFDBBQ2329/06/2023
Corn CFDCON2329/06/2023
Soybean CFDSYN2329/06/2023
Sugar CFDSBN2329/06/2023
US Wheat CFDWHN2329/06/2023

We reserve the right to make necessary changes to these dates without notice.

Closing Time of a Contract at expiration date before 14:00 Server Time
